Hey, honey. Want tickets for tomorrow?
-Going to the show?
-Come on, l got them for $200.
-$200?! l don't think so.
-What if l say 1 50?
-1 50? You're gonna cut me a deal?
So, listen, just two girls, okay?
So how old are you again?
-Check it out. Champagne?
Oh, my God, l can't believe
it's really you! l'm your biggest fan.
Boo back.
Lestat, l came all the way
from Tarzana.
-And you?
A London Goth. l see.
lt's funny, l would have pegged you
for a Talamascan.
Maybe in another life.
l'm an Episcopalian.
And l'm a frigging Buddhist.
Roger, would you take our little
Episcopalian back to church?
Just the one tonight? Sure.
-Sweetheart, come on.
-Come on.
-lt's a good thing.
-Can l still go backstage?
Why are you following me?
What do you want?