There's two applications
for section 63 ex emptions.
Police reports are there.
William Harris is applying
for permission to marry.
She's half-caste also.
And Mary Wilson's applying
for permission to visit
her child at Moore River.
She's quite agitated.
Oh, and Gladys Phillips
has written for permission
to buy some new shoes.
She had a new pair a year ago.
Er, now, this report
from Constable Riggs
about three little half-caste girls
at the Jigalong fence depot -
Molly, Gracie and Daisy.
The youngest is
of particular concern.
She is promised to a full-blood.
I'm authorising their removal.
They're to be taken to
Moore River as soon as possible.
Oh, and Miss Thomas,
if you could check that the rate
for police transportation
is still, I believe,
eight pence per mile.
Yes, Mr Neville.
Thank you.
(Rings chime)
That country over there,
that's Wongi country.
You can't go there.
You get big trouble.
Yeah, I know.
Where your country?
My country?
Down south.
Long way from here.
Our dad works there
on the rabbit fence.