Proper long way.
Do you know what you're doing?
That tracker
from Moore River...
...he pretty good.
I heard he get them runaways
all the time.
You've got to be good
to beat him.
He'll take you back
to that place.
You watch out for him, eh?
You think you're so smart.
Where are we?
We're lost.
Jigalong that way.
The tracker followed them
to this riverbank
but lost their tracks
in the water about a week ago.
There's been no sign
of them since.
Three little half-castes.
We're talking
quite a few man hours here.
Who's going to pay for it?
There's very little money
in my departmental budget.
I'm hoping your men can combine
this with their regular duties.
We'll be able to handle
all the notifications,
posting police stations, farms...
We'll provide a description.
But if my men make trips
outside their duties,
it's an impost
on your department, Mr Neville.
If your men are on other jobs,
there is no extra expense.
I see that, Mr Neville.
Every one of your men
has a role as local protector.
My men will do their jobs,
Mr Neville.
Now, a week ago, you said.