And watch out for those boys
further along.
They go out hunting rabbits
along the fence.
That rabbit-proof fence?
Yes, the rabbit-proof fence.
Where that rabbit fence?
Which way now?
That way.
That fence.
Find that rabbit fence,
we go home.
Then we see our mum.
(Reads) "The Chief Protector of
Aborigines, Mr A.O. Neville..."
ALL: The devil!
"...is concerned
about three native girls
"ranging from eight
to fourteen years of age
"who a month ago
"ran away from the Moore River
Native Settlement."
(AII cheer)
"He would be grateful
if any person...who saw them
"would notify him...promptly.
""We have been searching
high and low for the children
""for a month past,'
added Mr Neville.