driven by one purpose...
to feed.
Even then, we couldn't believe
they were real.
Ancient man had made them
into myths,
but nature had made something
far more terrible.
Too late,
our scientists discovered
their true identity...
a species which had burned
the dinosaurs to dust,
whose ash had brought on
ice ages,
who, in eons past, had
scorched the world clean
of life,
waiting for the Earth
to replenish itself,
5... 4... 3...
...waiting to start
their cycle anew.
...2... 1.
...Our weapons shot fire
back at them,
yet for every one of them
a hundred took its place.
They seemed invulnerable.
We could only look on
as our leaders used
their greatest arsenal
to destroy them.
...But in the end,
we only helped them,
till the world burned
and the few of us
that were left fled the cities,
found shelter where we could.
...You have to understand
our past
because you will decide
our future.
They're starving now,
and they're more dangerous
than ever.
But we have to go on.
We have to outlast them.
Only one species is getting
out of this alive.
Hey, Quinn!
Come and have a look
at this!
It's a straight drop now
from the water tower.
You just pull the plug,
500 gallons per minute
hits the walls.
Don't care about the specs,
1,200 centigrade...
can it take it?
Yeah. Course it can.
Remember, I used to build
blast furnaces for a living.
I know all about fire.
Of course you do.
Sorry, mate.
Nice one.