Anything happens,
you know what to do.
Uh, no.
I have no idea.
Me neither.
That's a big tank.
You responsible
for this place?
Who are you?
Name's Van Zan,
Kentucky Irregulars.
You're a long way from home,
Van Zan. You lost?
Rebuilt a National Guard C5A.
Flew it 8,000 miles
on 2 engines and tried
to set it down
on the old strip
outside of Manchester.
Lost 1 22 men
and most of my fuel.
We need shelter and a place
to refit artillery.
We'll be out of your hair
by 1 800 hours tomorrow.
That's a good story,
especially the bit
about the plane,
but there hasn't been
anything in the air
for 20 years.
That's their territory.
It's my territory.
It's your territory.
They're just rentin' it.
Turn around, Van Zan.
Don't be a fool.
We can do this easy...
or we can do it
real easy.