Roger that.
...Jefferson, look out!
...Oh, my...
Gideon's down.
do you read me?
...Van Zan.
Who is this?
Quinn, where's Piscatella?
...He's gone.
...Are you ready to ride?
'Cause you got about
30 seconds till the bitch
is on top of you.
You bring her to me.
You're the bait, Quinn,
1,600 pounds of horseflesh.
Ride her right
down my throat.
Do you read me?
Ride the north road
to the quarry.
Bring her to me, Quinn.
I'm coming.
Hmm? Here we go.
Okay. Okay.
Come on!
Line up 20 yards
south by southwest!
Come on!
Come on!
1,200 yards.
Wind velocity... 1 0.2
north by northwest.
Come on! Come on!