What are you doing here,
You're standing on ground
where I've buried hundreds.
This is my home.
I'm asking the questions.
What are you doing here?
I lead... you follow.
I kept these for you.
They sent them off proud,
Alex is the keeper
of the dead, Quinn.
She's our memory.
When this thing is over,
she's gonna build a wall
with those things.
And, unfortunately,
it's gonna be
a very long wall.
I'm out of resources, Quinn.
I'm out of men.
Alex, tell him.
...Did you see the one we
brought down, the big bull?
Well, it wasn't.
It was a female.
There was at least one egg,
probably more.
We've hit over 200 of them,
and as far as we can tell,
they're all females.
How about you, Quinn?
You ever seen a male?
I don't know.
When I'm running
for my life,