-You drink again?
You drinked last time, didn't you?
The smell is all over this place. Don't drink too much.
Did't you want me to join the army?
I've been convinced.
I won't push you.
It would be nice if you don't go, actually.
Then I'll go register tomorrow.
Let me think it over.
-This is for you.
-Where did you get it?
Uncle Li gave it to me when he went to
the grocery store this afternoon.
What's going on?
Fuck, the Americans invaded us again?
1:40 AM This morning
There was a huge explosion at the local Shopping Mall.
The Citizen Navigator Buiding #7 and #8...
were Bombed and destroyed by the terrorists.
By now 46 died and injured. 11 missing.
This is the most serious explosion...