Resident Evil

Let's open that door.
Listen to me. I want to know
who you people are...

and I want to know
what's going on here.

You and I have the same employer.
We all work
for the Umbrella Corporation.

The mansion above us
is an emergency entrance to the Hive.

You are security operatives
placed there to protect that entrance.

What about this?
Your marriage is a fake.
Just part of your cover
to protect the secrecy of the Hive.

And what is the Hive?
Show them.
Accessing schematic of the Hive.
Raccoon City, nearest urban center.
The mansion where we found you...
and through which we gained
access to the train...

which, in turn,
brought us to the Hive.

The Hive itself
is located underground...

deep beneath the streets
of Raccoon City.

A top-secret research facility...
owned and operated
by the Umbrella Corporation...

the Hive houses over 500 technicians,
scientists and support staff.

They live and work underground.
Their research
is of the highest importance.

Its nature is classified.
Our position on the map
is indicated by heat signature.
