Return to Never Land

Oh, dear, dear, dear, Captain.

A nice massage
is just the ticket for you.

Now, you just forget
about old Peter Pan.

[Sighs] Perhaps you're right.

Ooh! Ahh! Ooh!
[Muffled groans]
All in the past, I say.
All in the past.
Ah, the past.
Likes when he stole
your treasure.

-Wah! Oohh!

My treasure?
And then laughed in your face.
-Ha ha!
-Laughed in my face.

SMEE: Or today, for example...
tricking that there sea monster
into pulling down your pants.

Wahh ohh!
Right in front of the crew, too.
Right in front of the crew!
We've got to find him!

-HOOK: Whoa-oh!

[Rhythmic popping]
-SMEE: Catchy.
-[Popping continues]

Smee, listen!
Great scott!
No sooner do I rid meself...
of that cursed crocodile,
and now this!

Oh, there, there.
He's just a playful
little sea urchin is all.

I swear, Smee, this is
propelling me to delirium.

I detest cephalopods.
Thank you.
Save me!
Oh, you big brute, you!
Off with you.

Go on, now. Shoo, shoo.
And take your arms with you.

Y: ou ought to be
ashamed of yourself:

-[Coughs, sputters]

[Gasps] Hmm!
At least the crocodile
had manners.

Blast that scurvy boy!
This is all his fault.
Mr. Smee, pipe up the crew.
We're going ashore
to find Peter Pan!
