
Yes sir?
- What can I get?

Whatever you want.
- One Qutub Minar with cream

Can't get that
"Then why did you say,
whatever I want?"

Sorry sir
"One chicken, 4 baked bread"
One buttermilk
One coffee and for sir...
Ask him. Go on
Did I ask you to give him a lift?
- I had no idea he'd be so obnoxious

Dig in. Great chicken
"Delicious, I'll
pay you 2 bucks extra"

Sit down
Take your bags out of my car
We're going to Bassi not Rajgarh
Was the coffee so bad?
They are in different directions
You don't follow
We're going to Bassi not Rajgarh.
Our plan has changed

Take your bags.
- This is cheating

- This is cheating

I have eaten lunch. I am stuffed.
Now I can't walk

"And you say, you're
going to Bassi not Rajgarh"

"Look, I am leaving now"
Take your bags and ask
somebody else for a lift

I see... it's about the car
Since my car broke down
I have to obey others

"Let me tell you, whether Rajgarh
or Bassi you have to go straight"

Right? Drop me off there
I'm leaving now. Ask
somebody else for a lift

I am requesting you.
Why don't' you understand?

This is a desert.
There's only sand and camels here

Just stones.
No sign of human beings

My car broke down.
Now what do I do?

Who will help me?
There are no shops here

Tooth paste and tooth brush
aren't available here
