Road to Perdition

It's open.
Top marks for speed,
no marks for cookery.

What, may I ask, do you call this?
Put it down.
- Mr. Sullivan.
- Mr. Rance.

How did you find me?
This is the best hotel in the area.
And you are so very particular.

Yes, indeed, Mr. Sullivan.
May I ask you to lower your weapon.
Thank you.
Now, what do you want?

I can't give you the files.
All right, all right.
They're in the next room.
- In here.
- Bring it in.

I can't see.
What will you accomplish by
interfering with our business?

- This has nothing to do with business.
- It's all business. You fail to grasp that.

And in business, you must
have something to trade.

And you, Mr. Sullivan,
have nothing to trade.

Especially not for anyone
as valuable as Connor Rooney.

I don't understand.
Opening bell on Wall Street.
Come on, open it.
Which one is it?
