why didn't the clitoris end up
inside the vagina...
so that intercourse
would be naturally...
compellingly, constantly pleasurable
for a woman?
- I know the answer.
- Yes, Ms. Maynard.
Because in primitive time,
women died of childbirth.
So for intercourse to be
too pleasurable...
wouldn't make sense
from a Darwinian standpoint.
- I'm impressed.
- Absolutely right.
- What does that tell us?
- Evolution is looking out for us girls?
- Exactly.
- That for women...
intercourse and sexual fulfiillment
were never intended to intersect.
New technology
just makes it offiicial.
Future generations of women will evolve
clitorises-- ''clitori, clitorati''--
that are larger, longer,
even more sensitive.
And a woman's ability, as well as
her desire to self-stimulate...
will increase exponentially...
as intercourse is robbed
of its procreative utility.
- I'm confused and frightened.
- You should be.
The species is not static.
We're in a constant state of flux.
Two genders has been
the default setting for one reason only:
So far it's been the only way
to propagate the race.
Is there any species
that just has one gender...
that doesn't have male/female?
Starfiish, for one.
Next time I see a starfiish,
I'm gonna tell him to go fuck himself.
Come on. You love it.
No, we don't.
So where are we headed?
Equality, what is that?
Is that a principle of nature?
We all sit around
reading subway maps together.
No. Of course not.
Natural selection.
Now that is a principle of nature.
Selection. Something has to lose.
Something has to be defeated...
in order for something else
to be selected.
So, what does this mean?
We have to take orders from Joyce
for the rest of lives.
That's right. I like that.
It means that 1 0 or 1 5 generations
from now...