Roger Dodger

Uncle Roger.
How's it going?

What are you doing here?
What? Oh.
I wanted to see where you work.

- Yes. No. What are you doing here?
- What?

- You mean here in New York here?
- Yes.

I had an interview at Columbia,
so Mom said I should look you up.

- Sit down.
- Okay.

That's what all the phone calls
were about.

- The phone calls?
- Yeah. Your mom's been calling me.

- Did you speak to her?
- We're playing phone tag.

She said you could
show me what you do here.

She did?
Well, there's not a whole lot
to show you, Nick.

Really? Like, what do you do all day?
What do I do all day?
I sit here and think of ways
to make people feel bad.

- I thought you wrote for commercials.
- I do...

but you can't sell a product
without fiirst making people feel bad.

Why not?
Because it's a substitution game.
You have to remind them that they're
missing something from their lives.

Everyone's missing something, right?
- Well, yeah. I guess.
- Trust me.

And when they're feeling
suffiiciently incomplete...

you convince them that your product is
the only thing that can fiill the void.

So, instead of taking steps
to deal with their lives...

instead of working to root out
the real reason for their misery...

they run out and buy
a stupid-looking pair of cargo pants.
