Dear God, your tone.
How have I denied you?
I have made you into a rich man,
an international star.
I created a sport that you could thrive in.
I have given you total freedom
to do as you please, and even satellite TV.
And ask for one thing, your trust.
So, will both my studs
be at practice tomorrow?
-Yes, sir.
Horsemen, Number 1.
Horsemen, Number 1.
Watch them. They take a shit,
I want to know what it smells like.
Let's go.
Don't move.
Close the doors.
It's cold as hell. Please, the door.
Hey, the door!
Come on, Denny.
What about our passports?
Katya tried. She couldn't get them.
She's afraid. They have something on her.
-We have to wing it.
-You get the cash from my place?
Your apartment was being watched
all the time.
The players put this together.
Thanks, Den.
Thank them.
I don't know what to say.