Did anyone bring cigarettes?.
Hold me. I don't want to die alone.
You won't die if I'm here.
I said I'd take care of you.
You're safe.
We're both safe
because we have each other.
Besides, we can't die now.
We haven't even started on the list
of things you want to do!.
Be able to swim.
I haven't found a B yet.
Champagne in bed at the Ritz.
Do something with my life.
Like she did. Look at her smile.
She completed her list
and found him.
Found who?.
It says here:. The Man of My Life.
You can tell at a glance
she's in love.
She's always smiling. Why not you?.
Because you're waiting for him.
I am, too.
We're both waiting for the man
who'll make you smile day and night.