Thats very nice. Perfect.
I love it.
Look at that.
The detail!
I like it.
-How much is there here?
-Four million dollars.
Its totally flawless.
-Are you okay, dove?
-I gotta go to the bathroom.
Jesus Christ!
Go with her and make sure
she doesnt have the kid here.
Keep you foreign feet off
my coffee table.
-You think this is a brothel?
-It looks like one.
Who is this guy?
This is no way to
do business.
You bring your pregnant woman
and this foreign termite.
Thats right.
Youre just a wet back.
No, Im not. I flew first class
from Moscow.
I even have a green card.
Fuck you and
whoever gave it you.
-I love the noises you make.
-Youre heavy.
-Your gun jammed me in the tit.
-It wasnt my gun, baby.
Youre something. First you put
your feet on my table...
then wipe spit
on my $10,000 chair.
Youre the problem.
You come here and take
jobs from real Americans.
We should put armies
on the borders...