Stay down!
-Code three.
-Call it in.
Get back. Come on,
stand back.
Get over here.
-Maam? Check her pulse.
-Go check the perimeter.
Maam? Stand back.
-Can you see this?
-Her pulse is weak.
-Shes losing a lot of blood.
-Will she live?
Think before you shoot.
Lets get her outta here.
-You, get the stretcher.
-Hurry up and get it.
You dont know what to see.
You dont know what to hear.
You dont see.
You dont hear.
Get out of the way.
Move back.
Jesus Christ!
Lets go!
Pull that lever.
Pick her up.
-Whats happening?
Theyre shooting up the place.
Theyre in the cage.
All right, out of the way.
-0ut of the way, FBl.
-Whats this?
She was gonna rob the place.
We gotta get her to a hospital
or shes gonna die.
You stay with them.
Let them through.
Coming through!
-Did they get the money?
-They got the money.
Took the surveillance chip.
Left not a trace. Smart as hell.