Russian Ark

I looked at them
because I like them

You like them?
- One day, all men...
- All men...

...will become like them
- Really?

How can you know
what will become of people

if you don't know the Scriptures?
Why aren't you saying anything?
See their hands
The hands are beautiful. So?
How can you know
what will become of people...

...if you don't know the Scriptures?
For you,
they're just two dusty old men

- Just flesh
- They're covered with dust

From their long road
to appear in this painting

- What happened?
- They are good and wise

How can you know their character...
...if you have not read the Gospels?
How can you know all that?
Sir, why are you frightening him?
He was already afraid

He's not afraid.
These people are never afraid

Leave him alone
Better to appreciate the scent
of the paintings

- It smells good
- Very good
