
they'll sue if the film is released
with Nicola in a single frame.

They will sue, Viktor.
They're serious.

So let's recast.
Nicola Anders is the only actress
in the world that could play that part.

- It's a remake, Hal.
- That's right.

Nicola is not bigger
than this picture.

Of course
she is, Viktor.

No other 'name'
is going to sign on now.

Who needs a name?
We'll cast an unknown.

I'm not going to play
opposite an unknown.

- We can't sell an unknown.
- The numbers don't work.

If we ever want to be in
the Nicola Anders business again,

we have to cut our losses
and shelve the picture.

No! I will not give in
to that blackmailing--

let's take a walk.

Ridiculous performance.
- I told you she was bad.
- No, yours in there.

Why do you always have to make things
so difficult for yourself?

I'm being difficult?

Yes. Mm-hmm.
Elaine, do you know
what these are?

- 'Mike 'n' Ike's'?
- They're not just any 'Mike 'n' Ike's,'

these are cherry
'Mike 'n' Ike's.'

Do you know why I,
Viktor Taransky,

two-time Academy Award-
nominated director--

That was
'Short Subject.'

--overseeing the most
cherished movie project

of my entire career, am walking
around with-- look, look...

pockets full
of these things?

- I have a feeling you'll tell me.
- I'm going to tell you.

Because Ms Nicola Anders--
supermodel with a SAG card--
has it written in her contract

that all cherry 'Mike 'n' Ike's'
be removed from her candy dish,

along with strict instructions
that any room she walks into

must have seven packs
of cigarettes waiting for her--

three of them opened;
that there be a personal Jacuzzi

within 80 paces
of her dressing room;

and any time she travels, her nanny
must fly with her first-class.

So, what's wrong
with that?

Elaine, she doesn't
have children.

Don't you see?
They're mocking us.

We're at their mercy.
What happened?

We always had movie stars, but
they used to be our stars, remember?

We were the ones that would
tell them what to do.

We would tell them
what to wear,
