
Thank you.
Would you answer
a question regarding 'Hank'?

Who asked me about Hank?

Funny, why is the movie dedicated
to Hank? Are they involved?

They were at one time
inseparable. Yes.

- And now?
- Now...

sadly to say,
only in spirit.

Thank you.
Your car will be ready
in just a minute.

- We gave you complimentary car wash.
- Oh, really?

- Yeah. They're cleaning the engine now.
- Thank you.

- Viktor, hey.
- Hal.

I am so happy for us.
The film, the chemistry--
nothing against Nicola Anders,

but I think that Simone and I
we really worked great together.

- You were never together.
- Still, the connection was undeniable.

You can't-- Look, I have not
read 'Eternity Forever,'

but it is fantastic.
And I know I would be perfect
for the part of 'Clive.'

- 'Clyde.'
- 'Clyde,' right.

That's what I'm
talking about.

Yes, perfect.
Come on, man.

- I ran into Simone on the lot.
- Really?

- Yes, really.
- She never mentioned it.

She's busy right now.
People coming at her from all angles.

Maybe she didn't
want you to know, huh?

I strongly sensed
that she thought

I would be perfect
for 'Clyde' as well.

- Really?
- Strongly.

- Excuse me.
- Sure.
