but as Elaine, ex-wife--
hey, second ex-wife.
Seriously-- you got
lucky this last time,
but you need
to be careful.
We both know you wouldn't be making
this overblown art film
if you hadn't convinced
Simone to be in it.
talking to you now,
not as Viktor, director,
but as Viktor,
your first former husband,
what happened
to you? Hmm?
Experience, Viktor.
That's what happened to me.
Yeah, I've seen this
a hundred times.
- Really?
- Yeah.
These young stars
the very people
who discovered them.
I'm worried about you,
that's all.
This woman, she controls
your destiny.
She doesn't control
my destiny.
There's something about her
I don't trust.
Hi, Jane.
Thanks for taking me back,
Mr Taransky.
I know that it looked like
I sided with the studio,
but I've always believed
in you. Honestly.
Don't worry. I understand.
Are they--
- They're all here.
- Okay, thank you.
- Hello.
- Viktor.
I just want to say
I am delighted
to have such
a wonderful cast
assembled here
for 'Eternity Forever.'
A reminder:
as a condition for working
on this picture,
you will not be
rehearsing with Simone.
You will not be shooting
with Simone.
Actually, you are forbidden
from contacting Simone
at any time,
for any reason whatsoever.
- Works for me.
- How will you shoot our love scenes?
- Body double.
- For her?
For you.
Anyway, Simone insisted
on speaking with you herself
before filming started.
I believe she's on the line now.
Simone, are you there?
I certainly am,
Mr Taransky.
So are we, Simone.
Why don't you leave me alone
with my co-stars, Mr Taransky,