Hey, Viktor,
is she here?
Oh, I'm fine, Hal.
How are you?
- Somebody said she was here.
- Jesus. That's her glass.
Jack Daniels,
straight up.
- My kind of woman.
- Come on, where is she?
I don't know.
Is that her
by the fountain?
You know,
between you and me,
- she doesn't really exist.
- Simone!
- Simone!
- Simone's here?
- Why didn't anybody tell me?
- She's here?
- Simone!
- I got your glass!
- I'm your biggest fan!
- Simone!
- Simone!
- Simone?
Get out!
Not you two.
She goes to a major
Hollywood A-list party
and we don't get
an interview--
a comment?
We don't even get a photograph?
Is that what
you're telling me?
Nobody got
a photograph.
Nobody ever gets
a photograph.
- Our best people are on it, Mr Sayer.
- Get better people!
What about the 24-hour
tail on Taransky?
They're camped out every place
he goes. Every concierge,
every maitre d',
they're all on the take.
But this Simone woman
is good.
Obviously, that is not
her real name.
She uses
an assumed identity.
She travels
under a false name.
She checks into a hotel
under an alias.
Never stays in the same place
two nights in a row.
What about the satellite
photos? What happened?
- Nothin'.
- Nothing from space?
What about
the fingerprints?
What happened when we dusted
that whole hotel suite?
Well, we have some
of Taransky's fingerprints,