- We know she's in there.
- Okay. What is this about?
We've got the tracking numbers
for 'Eternity Forever.'
- They're in the toilet.
- She has to get out and sell the film.
What do you want her to do,
go door-to-door?
Even Garbo would be on the talk-show
circuit if she were alive!
It is precisely because
she doesn't crave the limelight
- that people love her!
- This is bullshit!
She is about the work
and only the work!
This is overshadowing
the work.
- If you can't handle her, I will.
- It's not a good time.
She's emotional.
Today, her mother dies.
Scene 42 of 'Good for Nothing.'
This is not a good time.
- It never is. Step aside!
- We're going in!
- This is ridiculous!
- No! No!
- What are you doing?
- Simone!
I trusted you.
- Simone?
- You can come out, it's Elaine!
We just want
to have a meeting.
We can talk--
girl-to-girl. Just us.
- Where is she?
- She's gone.
- Where are the sets?
- God, that is so like her.
Where are the cameras?
Viktor, we're not paying
for this, are we?
What is all this,
What is all this?
I suppose...
it was gonna come out
sooner or later.
I guess I'm actually
relieved in a way.
I can just
say it finally.
She's a computer--
She's a computer
She's buried in here.
Day in, day out.
Of course.
I should have guessed.
It's why she never
goes anywhere,
why she's never
seen in public.
- Now you're getting it.
- Spends her whole life in chat rooms.
- The one place she can be herself.
- Anonymous.
Only it's worse.
It's far worse.
She's extremely
She has a morbid
fear of people,
of germs,
places, heights--
name it.