"Mother said, don't go.
Brother, I didn't listen to him"
"Father said, just one day more.
And it overflowed"
"Gudda said don't go.
Guddi too said the same"
"Friend said, just one day more.
And it overflowed..."
"The water from the
pitcher overflowed"
"It overflowed, for the eyes
couldn't hold"
There goes one more.
Another one bites the dust.
He used to be quite a happy guy.
Now he's gone and stuck his
head in a noose.
Why? What's wrong with our girl?
- Your girl?
So big? How old are you?
It's the magic of LUX beauty soap!
What else?
Are you done speaking?
- Yes.
What was it you were saying about
putting his head in a noose?
When it comes to
wearing the garland...
Why'd you all stick your heads
out like tortoises?
It's just that this tortoise did not
know that you live in this village.
I am very pleased to meet you.
What's your name?
What's the matter Adi?
- I thought marriage was ruin.
Ok. So what if it's not you.
There are other men who will
willingly die for me.
Hey, you mirchi (chili)
Here's a bitter gourd.
Eat it. You and your disciples.
Adi, what's she saying
& going away?
Don't put your lips to it.
She's quite bitter.
"As she walked, she said
your house was small"