You don't know anything about her...
And you want us to find one girl
in a population of 12 million.
What's the population of Bombay?
- 12 million.
How many of them will be women?
- 50%
6 million approximately.
Out of these 6 million, how many
would be college going?
Hardly 10%
- No no, less than that.
Let's assume 10% So how many is that?
- 600,000.
Out of these 600,000, how many
would be medical students?
So, she is a doctor. Lets say 1%
How many? How many?
600, no no no. 6000.
- Your mathÂ’s is very weak.
Out of this 6000, how many
would travel in a local train?
Only in the city of Bombay?
Most would travel by car.
Leaving out buses, taxis and autos,
at least 1% will use local trains.
So, how many does that leave us with?
- Barely 60.
So, out of 60 medical students.
Is it so difficult... to search for
1 medical student?
Come quickly.
"Life is a pleasant journey"
She is looking at you.
"What happens tomorrow,
no one knows..."
"Sing and dance through your life...
don't bother what the world has to say"
Don't bother. Correct.
I think you are in love.
There is no such perversity in my mind.
- What do you mean?
I mean I have not lost my bearings.