Both of them sing very beautifully.
I've heard them when they came home.
They've been brewing
their own broth quietly.
Times and customs are changing.
Parents today are just figureheads...
to endorse the wishes of their children.
These children do as they please, we no
longer have a say in anything.
Now, I told Aditya that I agree
that it's my money...
But the lungs are yours,
but where will he quit smoking?
By the way, between these two
which one is the one Aditya wants...
He is very forgetful by nature.
If I happen to overstay...
at my parent's house.
He'll ask me at the door
"Who are you?"
"Whom do you wish to see?"
Quite an entertaining man.
He must keep everyone
occupied at home.
Why don't you get some tea
for everyone?
Suhani is the younger one.
She and Adi are in love
with each other.
And the elder?
- Dina is the elder one.
She isn't married yet.
- Why?
Is she waiting for someone
who won't ask for dowry?
You are quite rude,
Sir, What do you think
my daughters are?
We might be poor, but we've brought
them up like princesses.
Please don't misunderstand me.
I was saying it's good...
That the girl's parents don't have to
worry about dowry now.
Anyway we don't expect anything...
from you.
No, if you have any expectations,
do tell us.
What expectations
can we have from you?
We don't have any from
our own son.
We've given him good education...
that's enough.
He's an adult now.
If he even picks up someone
from the street...
We cannot do anything about it.
One minute.
Do you think we are auctioning
our daughters on the roadside...
For the first available groom?
Dad, what are you saying?
- You keep quiet.
Mr. Advocate here can argue with
a magistrate...
But he does not know the courtesies
to talk to his in-laws to be.
You are unnecessarily
twisting the issue.
I did not mean that at all.
- There is nothing more to be said.
We do not want to marry our daughter
in your family.
What has happened hasn't happened with
either your consent or mine.
Let it be, this is no time
for sweets, let's go.