Yet, we are both so far.
Tell me, you love me.
Tell the doctor to check
his patients.
I say, hang up...
Sir, it's an emergency case.
We'll have to keep him
in intensive care.
He sounds a little mad.
She didn't say it? - Run.
Sorry. You had to wait for 2 hours.
To catch a glimpse of you,
I can wait for two lifetimes.
I've got to go. - No.
People are coming to see Dina.
- No.
"Come everyday to me
turn the night into a day"
"On the sly, under the
sheet of the night"
"Where even the moon can't approach"
"Let's go behind a cloud"
"Where every drop pines...
every drop is in turmoil"
"Where time stops still"
"Give us a hug under the
sheet of the night"