I'd say we would
have to take shelter.
- That's really something.
- Wow!
This is a VTR
showing what happens.
Could it also affect
our love relationships?
- Hi, How are you?
- Fine, a little bored...
What did you do to yourself?
Is that a piercing?
Yes it is.
Why are you guys so bored?
Because of
Romero's homework.
Hey, that piercing looks
good on you anyway.
- Romeros' homework!!!
- Right.
Is that for Thursday?
- Yeah, but there's no need to rush
- Hey...
No, really! Profesor Romero said
we could interview anybody...
Did it hurt?
Yeah, a little.
Have you seen Pancha?
Yes, there she is,
with those freaks.
Did you hear about that
homework for Romero's class?
Yeah, but what are
we supposed to do?