Sangre eterna

I'm busy! Hello?
Turn the TV down!
Forget it.
Wait a second.
Ok. I'll call you later 'cause...
my mom's
bitching again.

- You don't pay the phone bill.
- Neither do you.

Your room is a disaster.
Excuse me.
Don't speak to
me in that tone!

Everyday you're becoming
more like your father,

who thinks everybody
is there to serve him.

What's that ring?
You think it looks
nice on you?

It's terrible taste
If your idea is to look like
a bum, it doesn't fit you.

When we have guests,
you'll take it out, please.

...yeah, right: "guests".
By the way.
From now on, you'll
wash your own stuff,

because today I fired
that stupid rude maid.

I'm not going to take
anymore of her inefficiency.

But what do you care.
I must take hatred
as a rival.
