Mr. Mononucleosis...
-We have hit a clue smorgasbord.
We have three suspects
as to who's behind this evil hooty.
N' Goo Tuana. He believes
your park's on enchanted ground.
The voodoo man, who tricked me
into going to the castle.
-And you.
Let's split up.
We'll meet in a half-hour.
I'll interview employees to see
if they've noticed anything odd.
I'll translate these inscriptions
Daphne found.
I'll go research cults on the Net.
I'm a suspect?
Don't take it personally.
It's because you creep me out.
I see.
Hey. Your friends ditch you?
No, I always did the brainwork.
What's this?
I believe it's called
the Daemon Ritus.
Daemon Ritus? What's it for?
This describes
an old race of creatures.
It's reminiscent of Pandaemonous texts,
so I can make some of it out.
It looks like instructions
to some sort of secret ritual.
It is fascinating.
On the house. Nice sweater.
You really dig doing this, huh?
Like, clues and stuff.