I want you to bend over the desk
so you're looking directly at it.
Get your face very close to the letter
and read the letter aloud.
I don't understand.
There's nothing to understand.
Put your elbows on the desk...
bend over...
get your face close to the letter
and read it aloud.
'Dear Mr. Garvey,...
I'm grateful
to you for referring...'
Ms. Holloway, read.
'...for referring me to your case.
The subject of animal captivity...
has been of interest
to me for quite a while,...
and my secretary has prepared...
research material...
that I think you will
find illuminating.
If you wouId be so kind...
as to send me the June 5th Ietter
of which we spoke,...
my associates and I
will review it immediately.
Please feel free to call me
at your earliest convenience.
Yours sincerely,
E. Edward Grey.'