You want total obedience.
or you get destructive.
And fast!
Once the movie's over.
we'll be total strangers.
I don't wish it.
but it usually happens.
I don't want it to happen.
You must trust me.
respect my freedom.
I can't hole up in the inn,
I need to go out, alone.
But you behave
like a very social animal!
The crew's my second family!
I spent my childhood
on film sets with my dad.
You want to meet him?
You'll like him.
He's more stylish than me,
more handsome.
I like having greasy hands,
or working the soil.
I hate possessions, clothes,
I want to own nothing.
I'm not into money:
money is power.
Owning nothing is freedom.
I can't stand your bossiness:
you're a tyrant.
A tyrant!
I hate that!
And how you speak to people!
I'm making a film!
My relationship with you
is sheer agony!
The same goes for me!
I've never felt as bad
as on your film.
But I'm glad you chose me.
I thought you'd take
the guy I tested with:
he's more handsome.
A lot more handsome!
All those I considered.
there were three.
were all more handsome.
But you're...