Shakti: The Power

Here... kill me! Kill me!
But nobody opens fire

Nobody fires!
Hurry up! Get the vans
out of here

Are you mad? Couldn't you
send word that you were coming?

"Had we not come on time,
I don't know what would happen today"

They'd have bumped him off!
- Shut up

"Who is she?
- How's Ma, Uncle?"

Where's Shekhar...?
Put that gun away!

"How are you, my friend?
- And how are you?"

"You aren't hurt, are you?
- Forget it. This place hasn't changed"

Where did you pinch this uniform from?
- What rubbish

I have become an Inspector.
And I'm posted in this very area

Let's talk in the car.
I've got to meet Ma

"At Dadu's? No, not today.
- Why not?"

Dadu's bound to hit back for this.
And I'll have to handle it

"Nandini... my wife.
And this Pratap, my childhood friend"
