Shakti: The Power

"He can't move, he has no teeth...
but he's still a fighter"

"Your great grandson,
my grandson"

Greet him
Brother Shekhar!
You forgot all of us?

Sister-in-law! Hello!
And my nephew...

How's Ma?
- She's all right. Come with me

"He loves his mother very much...
been away for eight years, after all"

Why's he so late?
- Ma...

Are you all right?
- Well...?

Does anyone forget his Ma like this?
Where did you leave me and go away?

Don't you know?
I can't live without you

Every time the crow cawed
on the window-sill...

I said Shekhar was coming.
And you...?

You come after all these years?
And you're the only one I have

I'm here now... isn't it?
Isn't it?

Who's this girl?
- Your daughter-in-law

My daughter-in-law...?
Go and fetch the ceremonial plate

"You got married...?
Come, come and sit here"

May you be happily married
She looks like a real Goddess.
She's very beautiful

"Not better looking than I am, is she?
- She's far better"

What is your name?
- Nandini

I didn't ask you.
I want to hear her voice

What is your name?
