What's happening here...?
Let him go... let go!
"Uncle, ask them to let go.
Dadu... ask them to leave him alone.
Ask them to let Uncle go
They're going to kill him!
Ask them to let him go
Dadu... how long will we
continue with this bloodshed...?
"What good is bloodshed, Dadu?
Stop them, Dadu... stop them!"
"Come, Dadu... ask them to let him go!
Tell them to let him go!"
Tell her...
He didn't let the matrimonial
vermillion remain on my daughter
He lobbed a grenade
Your brother-in-law was
blown to pieces
It happened in front of your eyes.
Have you forgotten?
"Someone came carrying his head,
someone else bore a limb..."
is he going to return?
"I'm even willing to worship this man,
but will my son-in-law come back?"
"Forget the past, Dadu.
- My father ought to have killed him"
But they treat the old man like putty
The old man shits and pees in his bed
"So who will do the old man's job,
if not his son?"
Nobody's going to gain
anything out of this. Nobody
"Let him go, Dadu...
please let him go"
My wise son...
let me tell you something