Shakti: The Power

"I'll explain. You see,
drinking hooch is a crime..."

but carrying hooch is no crime.

Explain it to the officer.
- Shove him in the lock up

Not the lock-up! A chief minister
friend of mine told me never to...

"step into two places. In the hospitals,
doctors take your kidneys away"

"In the lock-up, the cops rape you!
- Who wants to rape you?"

You'll send me to the lock-up?
- Move it

"Had you told me as lovingly,
I'd have gone on my own"

"I came here with respect. Even to
the lock-up, I'll go with respect"

Is there an air-conditioner in there?
- We'll have one installed

Any politicians in there?
I'm interested in politics

"What's this, Inspector...?
Who's that?"

A lady with a child
"What can we do, sister-in-law?
Everyone's scared of Dadu"

Nobody will help you.
We're scared of him too

Shekhar was a very good
friend of mine

He was talking about you
the day he came to meet me

He said he wanted to send
the two of you back to Canada

He gave me the passports and money
to buy the tickets. See

"Before I could give the
tickets to him, he..."
