
Nobody can imitate her.
We need to find out
what she wanted from him...

and why he contacted us.
What did Hee ask him for?.
What was the information
Lim tried to give us?

If she hasn't gotten
what she wanted from him yet...

she'll try to get it
through other channels.

We need to focus on the fact
that North Korea's using her again...

even though her identity
has been exposed to us.

You two are the best agents
we've got.

Finish her at your first opportunity.
What do you think
was their relationship?

Why did she approach him?
I guess she needed something
from him.

That's it.
That thing she asked him to get her.
That's the key.

What did he mean
by something dangerous?

You look awfully serious.
We're late, comeon.

I got delayed at the beauty parlor.
Have you waited long?

Not long.
How do I look?
