"Suspected murder...
...cause of death unknown"?
This doesn't look good.
My report is based on current evidence.
And I feel both cases are related.
Re-examine the corpse.
Rewrite the report.
As if we don't have
enough problems already.
Getting tangled up in
a politician's personal affairs.
Re-examine her heart.
People die of heart attacks every day!
This is Su Chao-pin.
He cut your daughter's hair...
...during naptime today.
Then she scratched his eye.
Last week...
This is Huang Chin-feng.
Your daughter fought with him.
Mr. Huang, excuse me...
...I risk offense to ask a question.
I am thinking, would it be better
if you sent her...
...to a special school?
Huang Mei-mei's parent.
Huang Mei-mei's parent.
Has she been taking her medication?
I don't know. I suppose so.
You "suppose"?