You are seeing a live feed
from our affiliate
down here in Mexico City.
This image has not been
adjusted or enhanced
in any way.
What you're seeing is real.
It's unbelievable.
...Everything they wrote
in science books
is about to change.
I told you.
Some people
are probably thinking
this is the end of the world.
That's true.
Do you think it could be?
How can you say that?
That wasn't
the answer you wanted?
Couldn't you pretend to be
like you used to be?
Give me some comfort.
People break down
into two groups
when they experience
something lucky.
Group number one sees
it as more than luck,
more than coincidence.
They see it as a sign...
evidence that there
is someone up there
watching out for them.
Group number two sees
it as just pure luck,
a happy turn of chance.
I'm sure the people
in group number two
are looking at those
14 lights in a very
suspicious way.
For them, the situation
isn't 50-50.
Could be bad, could be good.
But deep down,
they feel that
whatever happens,
they're on their own.
And that fills them with fear.