For those ofyou who don't know me,
my name is Philip, I'm the head TA.
If you don't know me,
that means you've never been to class.
Study materials
need to go under our desk...
as my minions pass out
the test booklets.
Game time. Let me get some booklets.
We need three.
That means our textbooks
go under-- Exactly!
It's not open book.
We leftjunior high a long time ago.
Don'tmake eye contact.
And our midterm...
begins now.
I gotta take a test.
I gotta take a test.
Hi there.
You're in my seat.
- The seat was empty.
- I was getting test booklets.
- Get out ofmy seat.
- We already have test booklets.
Hi. Hello. Yeah.
See, the test booklets are out.
So this conversation you're having
isn't taking place.
- He's in my seat, though.
- Exactly.
And we're grownups, so we don't argue
over seats. Why don't we go over there.
You just made my little black book.
Okay, go sit. Go sit.
Move, move, move.
You're late now. Move.
- I'm sorry. Do you know him?
- No.
- Good. Thank you.
- Eyes on my own paper.
Joe Schmo has no answers for you.
Man, this is a really hard test.
00:07:57,718 --> 00:07:59,879
I don't think I know
one of these damn answers.
Good thing I'm not in this class.
See, I'm simply here
to copy the questions down.
Look at me.
I'm ananonymous blender-inner.
make the switch.