I, ladies...
am a professional, commercial...
airline pilot.
- Cool!
- Yeah.
Is he a pilot too?
I got the ugly one.
Jeff bought in sophomore year.
He marches to a different drummer.
He's just crazy.
I don't want you to worry about
finishing the exam. No one ever does.
That's the way I designed it,
so just finish writing whenever you--
Time's up! Okay, that's it. Time's up.
Close your books, stop writing.
Come forward with your papers
Everybody in the back.
Everybody all the way in the back.
You. Yes, you.
Little Red Riding Hood.
You just got an "F."
Come on up.
There's always one in every crowd
who doesn't believe me.
You can stop writing, sir. I don't care
if you have the cure for cancer.
It's fruitless.
You will not pass.
Sir, congratulations.
You have failed.
- Do you even know my name?
- No, I don't knowyour name.
No, you don't.
What's your name?
What's your name?
I've seen a lot of pornos in my day.
It's like a trade secret.
Next time you're jackin' off,
you sit lndian style.
Believe what you want.
At least I get out some.
You go through more tissues
than a widow.
What? It's true.
Who's the one who just said
I've seen a lot of porn?
You are a rabid consumer of porn.
They have your name on file.
You're the one who masturbates.
I'm not the--
Happy birthday or whatever.
What's up?
How'd you do on the test?
Well, I fucked up
the gravitational constant.
Me too.
What's your name again?
Tom Weaver.
Can we help you
with something, guy?