- Butt-wipe.
- Ho.
Monkey boy.
Maybe I should make the contact.
What do you think?
Swirling gases growing
hotter and hotter...
until it reaches
a critical temperature...
and transforms itself into
the most awesome sight in the universe.
What is this sight called?
Remember me? Dave.
I'm a friend of Ethan's.
- We're in the middle of class.
- You know. Cool Ethan.
These are for you. Hey.
Look at the matches.
He's in the inside.
- That's Cool Ethan.
- I don't know who Ethan is.
You don't know
who Cool Ethan is?
You, our new friend
with the pipe.
What's the formula
for finding critical mass?
Keep 'em.
- I don't know, man.
- Hello, dark angel.
Fuckin' dinner on a budget.
What'd you guys get?
I got some term papers, some E-mails
and this "dream guy" survey.
- I don't know what it means.
- This shit is cheesier.
You're right.
Dream guy, huh? "Intelligent,
good-looking, smart, funny."
Sam, where'd you say she was from?
She's a local.
A local, huh? Looks like I'm gonna be
making a visit to the Patton's house.
- Charles Patton?
- Yes.
Ron Mathius, US Census Bureau.
You've been selected for
a personal information session.
- Is that bad?
- No, that's good, sir.
- Aren't you young for government work?
- I'm not a GS-11 yet, no.
- I'm just a GS-4, but--
- GS-4!