Okay, that one I don't get.
I'll be your best friend...
until you steal my pot of gold!
Don't do that.
- I'm just kidding.
- Okay, time to go. Yeah.
- Okay.
- Remember that favor?
- Talking to Dave?
- Yeah.
Don't. I'll handle it.
I'm gonna see him tonight, so I think
it'll be better ifl handle it.
Oh. You're gonna
see him right now?
- Really?
- Yeah.
Well, that frees me up.
I hopeyou enjoy the presents--
Let me just take this moment
and say one thing.
We have, like, three weeks
till the exam, and--
I wrote the damn mock exam!
I gave it to you!
"I wrote the mock exam"?
Hey, let's get out of here.
- No.
- Yeah.
- No.
- No? Come on.
I'll take you somewhere.
Oh, my God! Thank God!
I thought you were with Dave!
Oh, baby.
Yeah? So what?