
Hold it right there. Don't move!
Now turn around slowly, boy.
You got a lot of nerve,
intruding on a man's grief.

I bet I could pull this trigger right now
and call it justifiable homicide.

Now, who are you?
You know who I am, you invited me.
I'm your son, Lorene's son.
Ain't nobody mentioned that name
on this farm in fifteen years.

My boy was taken from me.
Far as I'm concerned he's dead.
Now I'm not gonna ask you again -
who are you?

I'm Joseph MacDonald.
Joseph MacDonald.
That's right, boy.
And don't you ever forget it.
I was just yanking your chain.
Well, come here, boy.
Come on. How 'bout a hug?

Oh, look at you!
You're the spitting image
of your grandpa!

God rest his soul,
if he could only see you now!

I'm just here for the funeral. That's all.
just broke her heart
that you never visited.

But I always said you'd come back.
I'll be gone again tomorrow.
Guess it's her time to go.
Can't argue
when the good Lord calls you home.

- How was she called?
- Pardon?
