-Listen, Carlos...
-Wait, wait.
lt also says that it is inconceivable
that within 15 years,
we can do business
like we're doing now.
-Can you believe this?
-Tell me something.
"The sites
of the information routes
created decades ago...
Listen, CarIos.
The guy is bIack.
What guy?
The new president at headquarters.
-There's a new guy?
-Of course.
A new president for the company.
And he's black?
He's black.
Very black?
More or less.
-A colored man?
-A colored man.
We can talk, right?
You can taIk to me about
whatever you want.
Do you think l'm a racist?
l believe in difference.
That's something else.
It's not the same being
Chinese, or bIack...
or Filipino,
or l don't know, or Cuban.
You see,
at home l have all the...
Let's see. Louis Armstrong,
great musician...
l'm going to tell you something.
Two things.
The first: thank you.
-Thank me?
-Yes, thank you.
Yes, and you know why?
For your sincerity. Because...
to confess that you need,
l don't know...
And proves you have your brain
in the right place.
And second...
second, that'sjust fine, man.
Don't worry.
That's natural.
lt bothers you.
To have a superior who is
in the U.S.A. and we never get to see.
But because he's black...
let's call things by their name.