Smoking Room

What do you caII it?
That's it... that conjunction.
That's why we doubt.

You think l don't doubt?
That's being human.
But at times that happens.
Everything coincides
and it happens.

What is important
is to recognize... the conjunction.

lf you don't, you lose the chance,
and chances are never repeated.

Have you ever had
a second chance?

This at least is for us.
We have no need to be loyal
to others just to ourselves.

that's the difficult part.
When it's about...
Then we're lost.
What's worrying you?
ls that good, bad?
What the fuck do l know?

What is right?
That's Iike finding a wallet
on the street.

Do you call the cops?
Cops are the biggest thieves
of all.

would be like charging them
something that belongs to us.

BasicaIIy, it wouId be like
a bonus...

for all we have done
for this fuckin' company.

lf you look at it that way,
it's just a bonus.

No one will know.
No one will be harmed.

l'm worried about
where it will end up.

-What do you mean?
-Where it'll end up.

lt'll go wherever we want to.
l mean in the company.
Where will it end up?

How can l account for that?
