As a stand-in. lf you make it,
you'll play. lf not, that's it.
And which number
are you playing with?
You know what?
l'll place everyone
and whatever
number is left over is mine.
Goalkeeper, for example.
-No way.
-Yeah, goalkeeper.
Don't you like the word?
l'm working, you know.
lf I get up to come
answer the phone...
imagine if you put all
my calls through here.
Who was it?
Shit, l'm in a meeting.
-l'm sorry.
-Don't worry.
Can l count on you?
-Can l count on you?
-l used to smoke, you know.
Now l smoke onIy half
a pack a day but before
l used to smoke
3 packs a day.
l don't know
how l had time to.
l smoked
l was... l was...
-A heavy smoker?
l tried everything to kick it.
Meditation, laser, acupuncture
but Ijust couldn't kick it, man.
Everything tasted like nicotine.
l almost went into a depression.
Even if you want to,
it's there and you can't.
You just don't have...
-The willpower.
We don't all have willpower.
It's incredible,
how can a human being do that?