Have you made plans
for tonight?
Well, tonight l can't.
What do you mean?
You heard. l can't.
-l've got everything set up.
but l can't.
-ls anything wrong?
l don't live in a hotel, like you.
l've got my husband at home
waiting for dinner or whatever.
l live at the Palace,
in the wedding suite.
That's not my probIem.
-Tonight l can't.
-l didn't say anything.
l'm running out of excuses.
It's just for tonight.
When l didn't live
in a hotel, l always could.
-Me too.
-No, l always couId.
l didn't make it very few times.
-But you stood me up.
-I have a family.
ln the last few weeks
l've seen you almost every night.
ls that a problem?
No, but l don't want
to force things.
lt's just one night.
You're upset.
Come on.
Just one night. Can't you do
without me for one night?
Want some coffee?
l don't understand you.